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Government launches the ‘Be Winter-Ready’ 2021 -2022 Information Campaign

17 November 2021
The campaign was jointly launched by the Minister for Defence as Chair of the Government Task Force on Emergency Planning, Mr. Simon Coveney T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Transport with special responsibility for International and Road Transport and Logistics, Hildegarde Naughton T.D., and Martin Heydon T.D, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine with special responsibility for Research and Development, Farm Safety and New Market Development.


The ‘Be Winter-Ready’ campaign, which is in its eleventh year, is intended to raise awareness about the particular challenges that winter can present and provides coordinated and cross-cutting approach to public safety messaging and the dissemination of information on winter preparations

This information campaign is now a well-established and important annual event impacting across the whole public service.

The campaign highlights the ‘Whole of Government’ approach being taken to winter preparations. This sort of approach was seen during recent storms and severe weather events that occurred over the past number of years which posed challenges for individuals, communities, businesses, Government Departments and Agencies.

Importantly, the ‘Be Winter-Ready’ campaign informs the public of what is being done in relation to winter preparations and where they can source valuable information that can assist them through a difficult period.

This year’s ‘Be Winter-Ready’ campaign is focused on “Staying Safe on the Farm over Winter”. The Office of Emergency Planning, in collaboration with their colleagues in the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, have designed and produced a leaflet on farm safety. This leaflet and leaflets from previous Be Winter Ready campaigns are available on the website.


During the launch Minister Coveney said: "The launch of this campaign marks the start of what can be a very demanding time for many people, including the emergency services.

As the chair of the Government Task Force on Emergency Planning, I am aware of the importance of all the government departments and agencies coming together, building our resilience, keeping the public informed and ensuring the country is winter ready."

Minister Hildegard Naughton added: “I would ask all motorists to ensure their vehicles are fit for winter conditions before setting out on any journey. When walking or cycling, we can wear high viz clothing and make sure we have proper lighting so that we are visible in these darker months.

For this coming winter, I’m pleased to report that there are 206,000 tonnes of salt available, supported by an extensive winter fleet of snow ploughs and salt spreader, supported by Transport Infrastructure Ireland’s (TII) winter fleet consists of 355 demountable snow ploughs and 388 salt spreaders. Although some 136,000 tonnes of salt was used last winter, TII also have a salt supply framework in place which allows us to purchase and have additional stocks of salt delivered if more is needed.

The Road Safety Authority provides excellent guidance for those driving, cycling or walking in winter weather conditions on their website and a summary of their guidance is also available in the Be Winter Ready booklet. to ensure we have a safe winter, let’s being our preparations now. Today’s campaign gives us all the information we need to plan for the coming months – whatever they might bring. I would ask everyone to visit , and start your preparation for winter today. This winter, stay safe, stay vigilant and be ready! ”

Minister of State Haydon concluded : “Farm safety must be to the fore of everything we do on farms. There are particular issues that can arise in the winter months with storms and the housing of livestock. Now is the time for farmers to plan to ensure they can farm safely this winter. Around the farmyard, any maintenance work on buildings or machinery should be completed before the winter sets in and as the evenings get shorter, farmers should consider their health and wellbeing as well. ”

Page last reviewed: 17/11/21

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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